Commercial dog foods may not always cater for every dog’s nutritional needs. Cani-Vit was formulated with this principle in mind. It contains vitamins and minerals present at levels recommended by leading authorities. ‘·2
Vitamin E is present at a high level ( I Siu per Sg dose). Selenium is an essential nutrient. It has been reported to protect against lead, cadmium and mercury poisoning . Selenium deficiency in dogs can lead to-degeneration of skeletal and cardiac muscle . Other effects of deficiency include reproductive disorders and oedema.
Few pet nutritional supplements contain selenium ; in Cani-Vit it is present at the generally recommended level of IO micrograms per Sg dose.
High dietary calcium content or a vegetable protein-based diet (e.g. dry dog foods which are largely soya) can dramatically increase the zinc requirement of the dog. A study’ reported signs of zinc deficiency in dogs receiving cereal-based dry diets which contained zinc levels that were actually above the NRC minimum requirement (due to a reduction in bioavailability of the zinc because of the presence of phytic acid in the food). The link between zinc and skin and coat condition makes this trace element particularly crucial for the animal.
Zinc is relatively non-toxic and at I 0mg per Sg dose Cani-Vit contains more zinc than most other pet nutritional supplements .
The Calcium/Phosphorus ratio of Cani-Vit at I: I is in the generally accepted optimum range for dogs and the calcium is easily assimilated.